Sunday, January 1, 2012

A new year, a new beginning, a new blog

I like starting a new year.  It doesn't really matter if you look at the passage of time as linear or circular, the beginning of a new year still feels like starting from scratch.  I wonder if that was the idea all along.  Pulling out a new, empty calendar and deciding how to fill it for the next 12 months is as symbolic as taking down the old, filled calendar and putting it away.

I am more than ready to put 2011 away and move forward.

A few goals (more or less) for this year.
1.  More fun.
2.  Less complaining.
3.  More organization.
4.  Less mess.
5.  More eat in.
6.  Less eat out.
7.  More sleep.
8.  Less worrying.
9.  More time with family.
10. Less time at work.  (not that I dislike work, but you know. . .)
11. More blog.
12. Less Facebook.
13. More reading. (like a real book.  If I don't read Hunger Games, my girls will disown me.)
14. Less emailing.
15. More happy.
16. Less sad.

That should do it. 

Wishing you an extra wonderful 2012.  I'm sure you deserve it!

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